Posted on Monday, June 17, 2024Last update 17/06/2024

The Sheep Campaign - A narrative campaign for The Old World

The main project fot this year's 15th Hobby Celebration for Grimbeorn and me is to reenact the first ever WFB campaign we played, in 2009. Since the first and memorable game was all about me and a few Orc Boyz catching some poor sheep to feed us and to gain more boyz for the cause, the obvious name of the campaign is

The Sheep Campaign

The campaign is a narrative campaign in which we take reciprocally the role of DM, since we're not going to fight one against the other in all games. Like it was 15 years ago, Grimbeorn's gonna play The Empire, and I'm gonna play Orcs and Goblins.

We plan to play 10-12 games in total, and we decided in advance that 4 of them are called milestone games and would be the key battles for the narrative campaign. Between the milestones, we're free to master for the other player a number of games (for example: at the beginning of the campaign we'll play four little free games, and then we'll fight one against the other in the first milestone battle).

The aim of the free games is to gain more power and more troops, following the story of our character. This was the general concept of the original 2009 campaign, in which the story led to finding a long lost arifact called The Crown of Fate. We maintained the element of the quest for a magical artifact, but changed something.

Here's the general background for the campaign.

Campaign background

In the South of the Border Princes, a land always disputed, an immense power is awakening from a mysterious site: at the slopes of the Dragonback Mountains, after entering a dark chasm called the Canyon of the Crescent Moon, there's a desolate plane between the mountains; on the rocky wall, more than a thousand years ago, a temple was built, buried in the heart of the mountain. In this temple lies the Argal.

No one exactly knows what the Argal is: some people say it's a chalice, some other a shield, or a mighty weapon; rumors are that it can mutate its form depending on what the one who finds it really needs.

Apart from what it could be, the Argal has a tremendous power, and lots of Heroes of the history searched for this artifact. But the legends tell that it massively guarded, and just finding the Canyon of the Crescent Moon is nearly impossible: this kept the Argal hidden for centuries.

Now, a dark and unknown power is looking for the artifact. It's said that both the High Elves masters and the Lords of Chaos want the Argal for themselves...

So, the four milestone battles will guide us in the search for the Argal. In the free games there can be different armies and various plots, since only after the first milestone we plan to introduce the Argal story, with a specific NPC which will narrate the legend to our main characters.

In following battle reports I will narrate the campaign. Happy sheep everyone! 🐑

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