Posted on Monday, June 17, 2024Last update 17/06/2024

The Sheep Campaign - Game zero for the Orc player

Here we are for the first battle report for The Sheep Campaign 🐑

In the same afternoon we managed to play both games, since they were quite rapid. For right's sake, I have to admit that the new The Old World rules were not quite followed literally, since we played two semi-skirmish games, or however mostly with reduced units, to simulate how our Characters are just at the beginning of their career. No problem, though: we'll integrate the rules while we reach a normal point cap.

So, here we go with the first game.

A little backstory

I'm a young Orc from a village destroyed by some vengeful Human troops, in the Border Princes near the Varenka Hills. While roaming with few Orcs a Mysterious Goblin Shaman appeared in front of me saying that I might be the chosen of Gork or maybe the chosen of Mork (he wasn't sure). To prove my worth, I need to regain control of my old village, so I need an army... and to collect an army I'll need a reputation... and to gain a reputation I need some pure Greenskin deeds. Fortunately, from my position I can see a small pasture with lots of big sheep and few shepherds...

Game zero for the Orc player (me)
'Er we go ladz!

My goal is to collect at least 9 sheep! But their shepherds are not gonna make this easy...

I have two pairs of Orc Arrer Boyz and 3 Boyz, with my character Alfray in this last unit. The shepherds are heavily armed

Some filthy Goblins appear from the sides of the battlefield! They want the sheep too: it's gonna be a harsh fight

Three Goblins point directly at my Arrer Boyz

Surprise! From under a sheep appears one of the shepherd's dogs!

The fight continues: one sheep for me and one for the Goblins...

The big crossbow kills one of my guyz! But I killed the Goblin's boss...

... and so his fellows decide to follow my lead! Some of my new troops enter the enclosure to kill the last dogs...

... while I point directly at the big crossbow!

Victory is ours! With this game I gain some reputation here on the hills and take another step towards building a real army. In game terms I can now deploy standard Goblins (the ones here were Night Goblins proxies)

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