Second battle report for The Sheep Campaign 🐑
I cite from the Orc battle report the same introduction:
In the same afternoon we managed to play both games, since they were quite rapid. For right's sake, I have to admit that the new The Old World rules were not quite followed literally, since we played two semi-skirmish games, or however mostly with reduced units, to simulate how our Characters are just at the beginning of their career. No problem, though: we'll integrate the rules while we reach a normal point cap.
So, here we go with the first game for Grimbeorn.
A little backstory
Grimbeorn is Volkmar, the young protégé of the powerful governor of the southmost city of the Imperial province of Sudenland. He can look after to become the new governor, but he needs to prove his worth at the eyes of his master, and for now this means following his direct orders and be part of the military operation of the garrison. In this first mission, Volkmar is ordered to escort a Dwarven convoy through the mountains to the nearest Dwarven stronghold, since the Dwarfs themselves couldn't provide a sufficient amount of troops and the relations with the city have to be maintained golden.
Game zero for the Empire player (Grimbeorn)
The pass through the Black Mountains
While crossing the pass, the men reach a destroyed village. The fact has happened quite some time ago, so it's not worrying itself... but a few Chaos Raiders appear at the end of the street! |
Volkmar commands a little squad of 10 Halberdiers. There are 4 Dwarfs on the carriage, and three of them hold a crossbow |
Since the Raiders don't move an inch, the carriage turn itself so to shot with the crossbows... but with a roar a Chaos Ogre appears from the Sigmar's niche on the side of the road, destroying the metal gate |
Volkmar splits his men in half, himself going right at the Ogre |
But from the side of the carriage appears the chief of the Raiders! All Dwarfs must be alive at the end of the game to achieve all the objectives |
The Ogre slain Volkmar's men, but he manage to inflict one Wound at the monster. Our Hero is in trouble at the first game... |
The situation: the Barbarian Chief is wounded but still fighting the Dwarfs, Volkmar is trying to survive the Ogre and the other men are suffering against the Raiders |
A Dwarf is killed! But the other manage to kill the Barbarian Chief! Grimnir be praised! |
Modern problems require modern solutions: the Dwarven carriage run over a Barbarian, levelling off the combat |
With a fantastic die Volkmar kills the Ogre! He's a true Hero of the Empire! He can now tidy the back of his pants... |
Without the Ogre and their Chief, the last Barbarians flee: a harsh victory, but a victory! The convoy will reach the Karak |
At home, Volkmar is now called The Ogre Killer, even if his superiors were not quite happy to see he lost almost all his men... however, this was a really dangerous encounter, so no one really blame him. His squad will see some ranged troops for the next battles: in game terms, if he'd managed to maintain alive all the Dwarfs I'd gave him some Crossbowmen, since one is dead he'll have only simple Empire Archers.
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