Posted on Thursday, November 2, 2023Last update

My Rangers of Shadow Deep

A couple of months ago I started my journey in the world of Rangers of Shadow Deep by reading the rulebook and starting to prep my A-Team. Various things happened in between, but I finally have my squad ready to play!

Here they are. First, Hagen, my Ranger, ready to face the horrors of the Shadow Deep.

This is a fantastic miniature, an old character from Bretonnia I think, from the Oldhammer times, something Little John-like. I didn't paint him, I bought pre-owned some years ago with a Mordheim Warband painted in the same fashion. More on this in my Mordheim Warband mustering post (TBA).

I worked a little on Hagen's background.

I’m a Man, and I come from a small village near the town of Portrerik, along the great Nylen River. I’m 28 years old, not a spring chicken anymore, and I’m 6’ 2”, with blonde hair and beard. In my youth I always played and wandered along the river, so I’m an excellent swimmer and I really like river and forest environments. I love to hear ancient stories around the fire, and while a boy I always narrated heroic fables to the kids in my village. I’m keen on archery and I’m a skilled hunter with my bow; I kinda like to cook what I hunt too. My love for hiking and explorations made my a Ranger, and I always wanted to travel over the mountains in the North or East of Alladore. I managed to do that, given the substantial peace with the kingdom of Lorenthia which granted quiet conditions in Alladore. While I was in one of my scouting missions, I heard of the king’s call and I immediately enlisted as a Ranger to fight in the dreadful Shadow Deep.

I’m passionate and full of enthusiasm and resources. However, this could make me just too self-confident and I tend to think I’m always right in my decisions, even on duty. I’m more of a lone wolf, unless I find someone I really trust with my life, in which case I’m the most loyal pal you could find. Even if I like to be alone and to work without boundaries, I’m a good talker and I’m comfortable in social situations, especially when you need to display some charisma to gain people’s trust. This granted me, during my years as a scout in the kingdom, lots of connections with different professionals in every field: when I need some help, I know where to find it. I’m a decent fighter, but I prefer to study the situation and I don’t fear a strategic retreat when needed. However, I’m a proud fellow, and I really care about my honour: being a man of his word is crucial to me. As already stated, my bow is my confident weapon and I’m good at spotting the enemy from afar and giving a more stealth approach.

In RoSD, any Ranger could also have some companions. Companions can gain experience and skill up, and you can change them between the games, maybe deploying one of them just once in your entire journey. This is my first formation, which probably would change in the future.

Hagen's Scouts

When playing solo (the way I intend to play, for now), you can have up to four companions per game. However, inspired by Knights of the Old Republic as I stated in the previous post, I already know I'm gonna become attached to these characters, so I wanted to put some care in mustering them.

Sir Hector - The Bloodhound

This is one of my last miniatures. Model by HeresyLab

Nothing difficult, I painted him mainly using Contrast with a final drybrush

. He's not only present in RoSD, however: I used him as my first miniature and base test for my Witch Hunters Mordheim Warband

Arrakis - The Rogue

Given that in RoSD there aren't specific rules to depict fantasy races, I went with an Elf for my Rogue. His name's inspiration is obvious.

This is an old model of mine, as you can see from the fact that the colour is gone in some points. I plan to correct the painting, but for now I'm happy. Originally he was a Dark Elf Assassin, but he was one of my first WFRP characters, a thief. His original name is long gone in my memory (I still have his character sheet somewhere, though)

Dimzar - The Savage

Same works here: what's better than a Trollslayer for the job?

Another old miniature of mine, and from the same "series" of Arrakis, as you can see from the similar base painting job. This Dwarf, always named Dimzar, was my first ever WRFP character, and I always loved he and this miniature. Like the Elf mini, I painted them long ago in my first days as a hobbyist

Lothar Redhook - The Man-at-arms

Like Sir Hector, this is a freshly painted miniature. On the wave of my Orc Warrior for #sporktober I painted this old WHFB Empire miniature and I loved it

He's kinda a speed painting experiment. I used mostly Contrast colours, apart from the metal colours and some details. I'm pretty happy with the finish and the time spent

He'll be part of my WHFB Empire army, and he's a test for that, too. However, I plan to paint my army with the Solland Province's colour, yellow and white, while here I wanted to give a more "rangerly" look, so I used lots of browns and a strong green for the coat

Well, here they are! Ready to kick some ass in the Shadow Deep. I'll track my campaign in future posts. I hope to try the game out soon, but for now I'm really happy of my results on the workbench: it's a small step, but for my standards it's pretty a huge improve!

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