Posted on Tuesday, October 10, 2023Last update

#sporktober part II - Vox populi

I'm now ready to get on prepping and painting my models for our #sporktober challenge. However, I've got some models to choose between, and I want my fellows to decide which I will paint. Since Michele is my opponent and Grimbeorn is the jury, it may be biased to ask them to choose my miniature. But this is a friendly challenge, and I'm sure they'll choose the miniature they sincerely like the most to see finished by the end of the month.

After my brief report on the models from the past editions of Warhammer, these are my miniatures I currently possess which could compete in the challenge. Let the people decide!

I'm open to any of these miniatures in the same way, even if it may seem that some will need more effort than other. Maybe I could try out even two miniatures, but lets fly down for now since my current painting score is scarce for this 2023.

The Undead! These Skeletons from the 5th-6th edition are already painted as pre-owned, so they'll need some stripping before getting to work. However, they're really fast to paint I think, and following the old tutorials should be easy

The Greenskins here are the exact miniatures from the issues I showed in the previous post. Both are pre-painted and will need some stripping. The Black Orc sadly lost a weapon: probably I could try replacing it with some bits. I love the Arrer Boy sculpt (I'm currently using it for my Mordheim Orc Warband)

These are my second option for the Orcs: 6th edition miniatures (just after the ones above) straight out of the core box with Orcs and Empire troops. I love this box, and even if I don't have a physical copy I have all the miniatures, and one of my dreams is revamp these two base armies in an epic Oldhammer battle... However, this would be a nice alternative to the pre-painted older Greenskins above

Furthermore, I have those even on sprue! Nice chance to start a new model from scratch

Bonus mini #1: a true HeroQuest Orc! Already painted (not by me), but ready to rOrck! This is a true vintage miniature from the 90s, so maybe it could enter the competition too...

Bonus mini #2: Warhammer at the core of my heart is represented by this old Lizardmen. These are surely from the 90s if not before, and these are the first miniatures I ever had. Not these two, the original are long gone, but this sculpt: I bought them long before even knowing what really was Warhammer and without any hint that it would become my favourite hobby ever... nostalgia... not suitable for #sporktober, but surely coherent in a Oldhammer painting contest

So, what will be the verdict? The Undead? The old nasty Orcs? The newer ones? One mini? Two minis? More in the subsequent post!

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