Posted on Thursday, October 3, 2024Last update

"O Captain, My Captain!" - Our great return to the City of the Damned

Here we are again on Amarok's Lair! Three dry months for the blog, however not at all three dry months for the hobby. Summer's gone, and we just entered the greenest month of all (more on that later). However, between some holidays and various events for our families and ourselves, Grimbeorn and I managed to do something very big... the Biggest Battle We Ever Played. I'll add a link to that post as soon as I complete it.

Just yesterday, however, we started a brand new Mordheim campaign within our small club of friends. Our great return in the City of the Damned for an organized event generated from the idea of replaying from the beginning the first ever Italian national Mordheim Campaign, Necromantic Storm (in Italian Tempesta Necromantica).

We played a few games from this campaign when it was first launched in 2022, but we never reached the end of it. With a partially different group of players (we're down to 5 gamers from the original group of 8), we played the first game, The Cabin in The Woods.

Here's our first battle report! 📜

We had two tables, one with two players and one with the other three.

Outside the gate of the City of the Damned, the evil lurks in the night. In between the city, the colossal vortex of the Necromantic Storms awaits the dreadful warriors who dare to fight the Eternal Night. In the fields, warbands roam the land and fight for gold and treasures.

Two similar environments form the battlefield for tonight: an isolated building surrounded by dark woods and ruins, were bloody creatures await... Only the building provides a weak light, and the warbands are fighting over it, thirsty for the torches that only can save from the darkness. But both the woods and the building are guarded: nevertheless, some treasures awaits the brave.

North of the city, the Sigmar's Hounds (Halfling Witch Hunters) confront The Wanderers (Von Carstein Undead).

Not too far in the South, three enemies are gathering: the Hauer's Believers (Horned Hunters), The Liberators of Souls (Blood Dragon Undead) and the Black Dagger Corsairs (Dark Elves).

Sigmar's Hounds vs. The Wanderers - October 2, 2024

The warbands are split during deployment in two opposite corners. The night forces the warriors to proceed in a pair not to be isolated in the dark. The Witch Hunters aim directly for the building, ignoring the woods were the treasures (and the peril) are. The Wanderers, as per their name, wander through the battlefield but after some useless search they don't find any gold or anything.

When the Halfling are almost secure of their control of the building, the Undead gather around them trying to subtract it from their hands. However, after a few uneffective fights, the Witch Hunters control the battlefield and manage to push away the enemy, thus winning the game. No casualties, no treasures: just an outing outside the walls of Mordheim.

Post Battle

The Witch Hunters suffer no permanent losses and win the game. They gain no particular treasure after this battle.

The same happens for the Von Carstein Undead.

Some Halfling Witch Hunters go for the building

The Undead arrive from a corner

Only the Undead search the woods

"We're taking the building, Sir!"

Ha! But the Undead try to fight for it

In the end the Witch Hunters succeeded. You can see the two Flagellants try to beat the Zombie guard

Hauer's Believers vs. The Liberators of Souls vs. Black Dagger Corsairs - October 2, 2024

Here there are three different warbands, so the temperature of the battlefield is hotter. The warbands are splitted, but in this game also no one suffered from the panic of the darkness, since everyone managed to walk in pair with a pard from their warband during the fight.

The fight is harsh. In the first wood the Vampire finds a stray Dire Wolf, which he promptly kills... just to look at it pick up again! The Dire Wolf rises again and it's now called a Revenant, a kind of Undead animated by the vortex of the Necromantic Storm. The Vampire, however, kills it another time.

The Vampire's reaction to the reviving Dire Wolf

With these new knowledge about the power of the Storm, the other warriors try to kills as many enemies as possible, counting the four Zombies defending the central building. The Black Dagger Corsairs reach the building and try to secure it, while Valkyra Valdhariel, the Enchantress, shots various members of the Hauer's Believers and kills them (two of the Drunken Gang return as Revenants, attacking their previous kin!). The Rutger Hauer, the Horned Hunter, sees his brother Humbert, the Priest of Sigmar, killed by the witch (but not permanently), and for the rest of the game he and his men try to reach the building but manage only to kill a Zombie and a Dreg from the Liberators of Souls.

Even if the Vampire kills both the Cold Ones of the Dark Elves (one of them even returns as a Revenant), they manage to maintain the control of the building, and won the game. 

Post Battle

The Dark Elves win the game and kill some Undead, both from the enemy warband and the scenario. They also killed a Revenant, so they gain some other Purification Points.

The Blood Dragon Undead do not win the game but gain the majority of the booty, since they found both the stray Dire Wolf and a mysterious bottle of a so-called Snake Bile Beer in the woods. Also, the general killing let them gain a nice block of Purification Points. As a reward, they find an innocent young couple in a shack near the battlefield, which they devour immediately.

The Horned Hunters gain just two kills and a Purification Point. No advancements for the faithful of Taal (aka my warband 🥲).

Deep in the action! Here the warbands are in a kill zone: you can see the Dark Elves already near the building, and lots of Revenants in the wood just in the lower side of the pic. The Vampire is slaughtering the Revenant Cold One

Close up to all the very bad guys

Pic from an earlier stage of the battle: you can see how the Dark Elves were just near the building while the others approach

The Horned Hunters are swamped near the wood on the left, while the Dark Elves and a couple Ghouls are confronting between a feature and the open. You can see one of the Zombies guards fighting the Ghouls

My Drunken Gang turned into Revenants

At the deployment you can see the Zombie guards and the warbands facing the building

Well, a little but useless success for the Horned Hunters: an Initiate shots down a Fellblade... not permanently

The Vampire kills the stray Dire Wolf! He doesn't know already it will rise again...


The number of heroes reported killed is 0.

Campaign Warbands and score:

Martino Witch Hunters aka Sigmar's Hounds
Warband Rating
Purifier Points 0

Davide/Grimbeorn Von Carstein Undead aka The Wanderers
Warband Rating
Purifier Points 0

Andrea Blood Dragon Undead aka The Liberators of Souls
Warband Rating
Purifier Points 18

Mirco Dark Elves aka Black Dagger Corsairs
Warband Rating
Purifier Points 7

Pietro/Amarok Horned Hunters aka Hauer's Believers
Warband Rating
Purifier Points 1

*I'll add the ratings when we gather again for the second game

*I must thank Jim Schumacher from the Mordheim Facebook group for his fantastic battle reports, from which I took the format for this and the subsequent Mordheim report. Their adventures are really stunning, the narrative flows and the pics are great: absolutely catch up with that

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