Posted on Tuesday, January 19, 2021Last update 01/03/2024

DBA army showcase for Magna Graecia project

This are our first three armies for Magna Graecia project. We painted all them during 2020, our first year of playing DBA.


Amarok's II/33 Polybian Roman

Army list

1 x Cv (Gen), 2 x 4Bd (Hastati), 2 x 4Bd (Principes), 2 x Sp (Triarii), 2 x Velites (Ps), 1 x Equites (Cv), 2 x 4Ax (Italian Allies).

Figures from Italeri, HaT, Zvezda.

Roman General (Cv)

Hastati (4Bd)

Hastati (4Bd)

Principes (4Bd)

Principes (4Bd)

Triarii (Sp)

Triarii (Sp)

Equites (Cv)

Velites (Ps)

Velites (Ps)

Italian Allies (4Ax)

Italian Allies (4Ax)

Roman camp


Amarok's II/11 Gallic

Army list

1 x Cv (Gen), 1 x 4Wb (Gen), 2 x Cv (Cavalry), 7 x 4Wb (Warriors), 2 x 3Wb (Warriors), 1 x Ps (Skirmishers).

Figures by Italeri.

Gallic General (4Wb)

Gallic General (Cv)

Gallic Cavalry (Cv)

Gallic Warriors (4Wb)

Gallic Skirmishers (Ps)

Gallic camp


Frontlineminiaturist's Greek Armies

With this minis, Frontlineminiaturist can deploy the following armies for our project:

I/52i Early Hoplite Italiot or Siciliot Army
II/5g Later Hoplite Italiot Army
II/5h Later Hoplite Siciliot Army
II/9 Syracusan

Army list

1 x Sp (Gen), 1 x Cv (Gen), 7 x Sp (Hoplites), 1 x Art (Bolt-shooters), 1 x Cv, 3 x LH (Tarentines or other light horse), 5 x Ps, 4 x 3Ax (Sikels or Sicels), 1 x 4Ax (Ligurians), 1 x 4Wb (Gauls).

Extra project: 1 x 3Bw to deploy I/52f Later Athenian Hoplite Army.

Figures from Italeri, HaT, Zvezda.

Greek General (Sp)

Greek General (Cv)

Hoplites (Sp)

Hoplites (Sp)

Hoplites (Sp)

Hoplites (Sp)

Hoplites (Sp)

Hoplites (Sp)

Hoplites (Sp)

Syracusan Bolt-shooters (Art)

Greek Cavalry (Cv)

Tarentines (LH)

Light Horse (LH)

Light Horse (LH)

Psiloi (Ps)

Psiloi (Ps)

Psiloi (Ps)

Psiloi (Ps)

Psiloi (Ps)

Athenian Archers (3Bw)

Sicels (3Ax)

Sicels (3Ax)

Sicels (3Ax)

Sicels (3Ax)

Gauls (4Wb)

Ligurians (4Wb)

Greek camp

Posted on Friday, January 15, 2021Last update 15/01/2021

The City of the Damned awaits us...

During 2021 we're going to run a little Mordheim campaign/tournament with some friends. Three of them are completely new to the hobby (and one played just a few games years ago, so is partially new himself), so we found some time to catch up and explain the basic rules, the setting and the different warbands. Due to COVID-19 we had to stop during Christmas time and most of January, but we're about to start with the real stuff. We need some more time to prepare the various warbands and then we'll be able to play.

We want the game to run as smooth as possible, especially for our new lost souls in the grim world of miniature games friends who don't know anything about Warhammer, so we explained to them just the minimum background required to be intrigued with Mordheim dark history and to appreciate the different warbands which fight in the deepest corners of the City of the Damned. Until now it was a success, and our friends loved it all and chose some bands they like. We based our choices upon the model we actually have in store and the bands starred as 1a and 1b (official and semi-official) on Broheim.

This is the actual list of our warbands for the campaign:

          1. Middenheimers
          2. Cult of the Possessed
          3. Witch Hunters
          4. Undead
          5. Gunnery School of Nuln
          6. Shadow Warriors
          7. Hochland Bandits
          8. Beastmen Raiders
          9. Beastmen Raiders (lots of Beastmen Raiders, hooray!)

Our wargaming table for the first lesson/demonstration,
with Grimbeorn's Middenheimers vs. Frontlineminiaturist' Cult of Possessed

We planned 4 or 5 games until the end of the campaign, not only 1vs1 but also some multiplayer games; so we hope everyone can try the game system, enjoy the dynamics and the stunning background. And then, in the future, we could try a narrative campaign in the darkest streets of Mordheim...

Grimbeorn teaching a lesson about the importance of a good tape measure

I didn't do anything Lord Inquisitor, stop pointing at me!