Posted on Friday, October 22, 2021Last update 22/10/2021

Orctober 2021 #1: brand new primed Troll

 So, just a quick update on my Mordheim Italia contest for this month (#orktoberfest2021). Tonight I finally built and primed Gurzo the Troll, who's getting ready to be painted before the due date (26th of Orctober... as always I'm running out of time).

I want to apply an heavy drybrush of Wraithbone (one of my favourite colours in GW range) and then go Contrast. More updates during the weekend.

Posted on Thursday, October 14, 2021Last update 14/10/2021

There's still life in the lair... 💀

It's been ten months since my last post; the Italian blog benefits from some more attention, but with October (whoops: Orctober, obviously) me and my pal Grimbeorn decided to give most credit to this version of the Lair, and start posting mainly here.

So, what have we been up to? Some scattered thoughts:

  • 2021 has been a bad year for true hobby so far, although it has been a good time for playing
  • I kept on in buying minis. Then I started to think about painting minis, but I couldn't find the time or motivation, so I let off steam by buying other minis. Result: my pile of shame increased A LOT (but I have LOADS of cool miniatures to concentrate on)
  • Me and Grimbeorn played a lot of our Wolf of Vengeance WFB Campaign, and we're going on aiming to end the adventure during the winter
  • Me, my mate Frontlineminiaturist and some other friends played some Crossfire games. I still haven't talk about this wonderful game here in the Lair, so I want to do that soon
  • We're still playing a lot of De Bellis Antiquitatis, but concerning our seasonal projects we're not really up to date. However, we manage to buy two armies for The Empire strikes back project, East and West Frankish. Michele (= Frontlineminiaturist) is a damned faster and better painter than me, so he's almost finished with his models (I hope to post them here soon)
  • Remaining in our DBA topic, we tried a new game written by a friend of us, called Rise of the Phantom Lady, a miscellanea of DBA, HoTT and fresh new thoughts for a strategical fantasy wargame. I will talk about it in the future, and as a beta-tester I'm really appreciating the setting and the mechanics
  • Recently, with our newly formed gaming group, we started to play the new edition of GW's Kill Team. Well, I really really like the game so far, and even if my box is still untouched (and Grimbeorn hates me for that) I plan to give more attention to this setting in the near future
  • Last but not least in the wargaming field, during last spring we manage to play our Mordheim introductory tournament, which was a great success: one of our newbie friends won the final battle with his Nuln Gunnery Academy warband! It was really fun, and we plan to give it another shot in early 2022 (we're now focusing on Kill Team, calling it a "Space Mordheim" sort of thing. Yeah yeah, we know this term is really about Necromunda. Nerd.)
  • Talking about roleplaying, we have something in mind concerning Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, as always, and with Frontlineminiaturist as our master me and Grimbeorn are wondering in the darkest alleys of the City of the Damned, searching for the son of a noble Nuln family...

A lot in the pot, isn't it?

In conclusion, I hope to return to the Lair with a lot of enthusiasm and will to share our projects. May this become the hobby diary I started it to be.

But, has 2021 been really a bad year for hobby? Oh yeah, indeed. However, in May I join a little contest in a local store, proudly presenting my one and only attempt to Blanchitsu. There's a lot of work to do, I didn't win anything but I really enjoyed painting this Stormcast: that's enough for me to keep on digging in this amazing technique.

And I have another little contest going on: in the Mordheim Italian Facebook Group we run a monthly competition, and there are no doubt about the topic for the present month...

Pay the toll to the Troll!

I'm gonna post some updates about this guy.

See you soon!
