Third and last DBA game played by me and Frontlineminiaturist on a Saturday afternoon. Since now, 1-1 Byz to Lon, but there shall be only one winner at the end.
For a catch up: first game here, second game here.
NB: we took better pics for this game, clearly a sign of improvement, so we can actually track everything happened.
Army lists 📜
III/21b Italian Lombard, Lombard Army 775-1076 AD
1 x 3Kn (Gen), 4 x 3Kn, 4 x Sp, 1 x 3Bw, 2 x Ps
III/65 Nikephorian Byzantine 963-1042 AD
1 x Cv (Gen), 1 x 4Bd, 4 x Cv, 1 x LH, 3 x 8Bw, 1 x Ps, 1 x 3Ax
Terrain & Deployment 🌳
Lon defends. Frontlineminiaturist chooses a BUA this time, a simple hamlet which goes right next his camp. Terrain is concentrated on the attacker side, with a plough, a gentle hill on Byz left flank and a difficult hill on the right.
Defender deploys as usual: Kn in the centre, Sp on his left, Ps on the right. Objectively, we tried three similar formations in this games, but every time they resulted in something different: how awesome.
Attacker sets his light troops on the difficult hill, and tempts fate with the plough by placing Cv right behind it. In the centre, the 8Bw line with 4Bd reinforcing on left flank.
Battle! 🎲
The plough is ok, so Byz can advance with the entire army. LH moves forward to strengthen the infantry line. Lon is worried about the bulk of Byz Cv in front of his Ps, so turns the Kn group towards the enemy flank. |
Second turn we still maneuver on the battlefield: Lon go forward with everything but the Sp (damned low PIP's), and Byz send the Cv on the left flank, reinforced by the Gen, while on the right the light foot and an incoming Cv direct on the enemy camp. |
First contact! The hard Kn line impacts on the enemy with rage and lances in rest. Near the hamlet, the Sp finally turns towards the approaching enemy. |
First blood for the Lon: Byz Varangian Guard (4Bd) surrenders under the violent blows of the Lombard Knights. |
Byz reaction: 8Bw and Gen in the centre close the door on the killer Kn; Cv charges the poor Ps in good going; the other Cv unites with the light troops. |
Revenge! Both Lon Kn and Ps are killed. Byz 2 - Lon 1. The Kn, however, pursue against Byz horses: this moves, typical of Knights formation, can be really tough. |
For the first time in these three games, Lon Sp actually do something: they attack the Byz formation near the hamlet with a wall of spikes and fury. |
And in fact Byz Cv flees from combat. Lon Kn press the enemy almost on the gentle hill. |
Game changing turn for the Byz: Cv and Gen closes the door on the rear rank of enemy Kn, and the last Cv charges the Ps in good going. Are we near to victory? |
Hooray! Byz 4 - Lon 1 with this nice die rolls. Here ends the last game. |
So, the day ends Byz 2 - Lon 1. We had lots of fun, and we hope to play again soon with these armies and their new Frankish friends. More on this later, but my mate and me have new minis on our workbench, perfect to match Byz and Lon. The only possible outcome is a narrative campaign in IXth century Southern Italy...